The Academy Programming Competition

ASCIS has its THIRD programming competition coming up! Compete in teams of 2 to show off your coding skills for a price of $0. To enter, you should have some knowledge of any high-level coding language and it is recommended that you have taken Comsci 11. Here is some key information.
Date: February 1, 2025
Location: fill in later
Room: #215
Be there at: TBD
Questions: 5
Length: 2 hours


None yet!
Interested in sponsoring? Contact tacc.ascis@gmail.com and see our sponsorship package here!


Create an Account

Create an account on Kattis (click me)!

Google Forms Sign Up

Sign up on google forms and fill out your information.

Practice Submitting

Checkout these instructions to practice submitting your code to Kattis.

Write the Contest

Read the rules and compete on February 1st. Bring some scrap paper and pens, your laptop, and a charger!


Prizes & Distinction

For participation...

  • Laptop stickers
  • Merch from our sponsor(s)
  • Activity points

For the top 3 teams...

  • Trophies
  • Insane bragging rights
  • Certificates - These will be announced during our award night and graduations


Experience working in a TEAM. You don't know how to overcome a problem? Well, theres a person right next to you to help!

Even if you're just a beginner or an experienced pro coder, programming contests help to increase your problem solving skills for your future! Coding interviews ask the type of questions provided in these contests during interviews.

Also, attending contests is a chance to add something to your resume and university/college applications.


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